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Look Who’s Getting More Plastic Surgery Now

This is where skinny jeans have taken us these days — it's all about the feminization of the culture.

The American Academy of Facial and Reconstructive Surgery reported some very interesting numbers recently: Thirty-one percent of men are “extremely likely” to consider either a surgical or non-invasive cosmetic procedure.

And of that 31 percent, 58 percent of these men are aged 25 to 34. The most common surgical procedures for this millennial male group are nose jobs, ear pinning — and the elimination of excess breast tissue, which is often the result of a hormonal imbalance.

Also a favorite menu item these days for men: fillers affectionately referred to as "brotox."

LifeZette spoke to cosmetic physician Neda Vanden Bosch, M.D., who has practiced in West Palm Beach, Florida, for over 10 years. She is a physician trainer, a master injector, and a "Real Self" top-rated physician. Many of her male clients, she said, seek her help so that they can better compete with younger professionals in the workplace.

"In addition to surgery and facial fillers, men want to eliminate chin and belly fat, including love handles. Laser hair removal and hair-restoration requests are also on the rise."

What about the old adage that men age more gracefully than women? After all, don't George Clooney and other well-known movie stars appear more sexy and handsome with each passing year? Said Vanden Bosch, "Well, Clooney did have his eyes done!" She agreed, however, that as men age their features often become more distinguished than do the features of most women.

Given this, why are men — and especially young men — subjecting themselves to the usually tortuous measures women take to look younger?

"Not everyone is George Clooney," said Vanden Bosch. "Men who divorce find themselves back in the dating game and want to reclaim their youth. Other men are brought in by their wives. Fillers are normal maintenance for women, and it's not unusual for some women to think their husbands would also benefit."

She added, "Some men don't care and just do what their wives want them to do. Usually, the men don't have a concrete idea of what they want or need. They just come in pleading, 'Doc, help me look better.'"

What about the risks many men are taking in starting cosmetic treatments so early in life? Said Vanden Bosch, "They lose the visual perspective of how they look. Without a wealth of experience, a doctor can feminize a man. In particular, procedures on the eyebrow, jaw and skin are critical areas to treat properly in order to maintain masculinity. Some doctors inject women and men using the same technique. This approach further contributes to feminizing a man's appearance."

"Without a wealth of experience [in cosmetic procedures], a doctor can feminize a man."

Vanden Bosch said that men's skin is "not supposed to be porcelain white and soft. Men need a little texture."

As Bloomberg recently reported, "'Part of the reason young men are increasingly interested in cosmetic procedures derives from social media,' said Dr. Fred G. Fedok, president of the academy that conducted the survey. 'People are more aware of their looks from different angles.' A growing interest in health and self-care also plays a part. 'It's sort of like exercise,' Fedok said about cosmetic procedures."

Based in Boynton Beach, Florida, Christine King is founder and CEO of Your Best Fit, a health and wellness company that provides fitness, nutrition, and design and management services for individuals, private clubs, luxury communities, and corporations.

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